
Sheikh Jarrah Settlers Let Attack Dogs Loose Against Protesters

12:00 Dec 30 2011 Sheikh Jarrah

Sheikh Jarrah Settlers Let Attack Dogs Loose Against Protesters
In a scene reminiscent of other times of historic Jewish tragedy in the last century, at last Friday’s weekly Sheikh Jarrah protest against Palestinian home theft, one of the most radical of the settlers, the Israeli-American Fauci, let loose a vicious attack dog (rather humorously named, if you’re a settler, Shiksa) against the Israeli and Palestinian demonstrators at the scene (be sure to check out the Jerusalem Post video featuring Fauci training the dog to attack the Muslim enemy). They were protesting Fauci’s occupation (cf. theft) of the Al-Kurd home in the East Jerusalem neighborhood.

Fauci’s Yaakov Ish Tam moniker is a diminutive meaning “simple man.” But tam can also mean a simpleton, which seems more apt.

Later during the protest, media photographers snapped shots of a wounded Fauci and there was a claim that the demonstrators did this to him. One who was there saw no rock throwing, but said there was a rumor that a Palestinian youth threw a rock at him. Of course the bloodied Fauci will be used for settler propaganda for months, if not years. But no one will remember the picture I feature here of Fauci reminding us of the way our ancestors were treated in 1930s Germany.

Fauci has an interesting extremist “rap sheet.” He’s lived in the far-right settlement of Tapuach, once the home as well to Israeli mass murder, Eden Natan Zada. Fauci is a member of the farthest right-wing settler extremist group, Revava, which also boasted Zada as a member. The Sheikh Jarrah thief was arrested in 2005 for posting flyers praising Eden Zada’s killing spree. He also was delighted at the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin by a fellow Jewish terrorist (though Fauci’s more of a wannabe). The only thing Fauci regrets is that he can only sic a dog on the demonstrators. No doubt he’d prefer a Kalashnikov if he could get away with it.
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