
Arab families in Sheikh Jarrah won't be evicted by settlers, Israeli court rules

12:00 Jul 28 2011 Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem

Haaretz 28 July -- Both the Farhan and Harisha families who live in Jewish-owned homes in Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood are staying put for now.

Settlers twice attempted to evict them but were denied by the Jerusalem courts. About a month and a half ago, the Jerusalem District Court rejected a petition by Jewish activists to evict the Farhan family, ruling that the suit had various legal faults.

Then, two weeks ago, Jerusalem Magistrate's Court Judge Irit Cohen ruled that the Harisha family, who live adjacent to the Farhans, had proved that although the home is Jewish-owned, they have the status of protected tenants and cannot be evicted.

The latter suit was filed by Debril, a company registered in Delaware, which serves as a front for right-wing groups to buy real estate in Jerusalem.
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