
Senior Israeli officer kills Palestinian teenager near Ramallah

07:30 Jul 3 2015 near Qalandiya checkpoint

JERUSALEM (AFP) -- Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian teenager in the West Bank on Friday after he threw stones at their patrol, Palestinian medical and security sources said.

Muhammad Hani al-Kasbah,17, was killed by two bullets after allegedly throwing stones at a Israeli military vehicle close to the Qalandiya checkpoint, south of Ramallah, the sources said.

An Israeli army spokeswoman said the soldiers had opened fire after their vehicle was damaged.

"The forces called the suspect to halt and shot warning shots in the air. Once he continued hurling rocks at close range and in response to the imminent danger the forces fired towards the suspect," the spokeswoman told AFP.

Israeli news source Haaretz cited eyewitnesses reporting that al-Kasbah was shot in the upper body after attempting to climb the separation wall. He had reportedly left his home early that morning to reach the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.

Al-Kasbah was shot at around 7.30 a.m. and fell to the ground before a group of Palestinians took him to hospital in Ramallah.

Hundreds of Palestinians from the Qalandiya refugee camp gathered at the Palestine Medical Center to mourn his death.

Israeli forces deployed in large numbers around Qalandiya checkpoint following the killing.

Al-Kasbah's two brothers, Yasser and Samer, were killed by Israeli forces in the Qalandiya refugee camp in May 2002.

Al-Kasbah was the second Palestinian to be killed by Israeli forces in the last week, after forces shot dead a Palestinian man last Friday when he opened fire at soldiers at the Beqaot checkpoint in the Jordan Valley.

A primary crossing into Jerusalem for Palestinians travelling from the occupied West Bank hub of Ramallah, the Qalandia checkpoint is site to frequent tensions between Israeli forces and Palestinian travelers, many of whom face severe restrictions on movement.

In the hours following al-Kasbah's death, the hundreds of Palestinians attempting to cross the checkpoint into Jerusalem to pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque faced heavy backups as increased numbers of Israel forces spotted the checkpoint parameters.

Friday's shooting comes as Israeli authorities set new restrictions earlier this week for Palestinian entry into Jerusalem, allegedly in response to attacks targeting Israeli military and settlers, revoking the entry permits of hundreds set to travel during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

Ma'an staff contributed to this report.

Senior Israeli officer shoots dead Palestinian stone-thrower in West Bank

17-year-old Palestinian shot by senior IDF brigade commander after shattering IDF jeep's windshield near the West Bank village of Al-Ram.

by Gili Cohen and Jack Khoury for Haaretz

A senior Israel Defense Forces officer shot dead a Palestinian stone-thrower near the West Bank village of Al-Ram Friday morning.

According to the IDF, several Palestinians were throwing stones at an IDF vehicle from the Binyamin infantry brigade heading toward the Qalandiyah checkpoint, damaging the windshield. The brigade commander exited the jeep and opened fire at the Palestinians throwing stones.

One Palestinian was seriously injured, and succumbed to his wounds soon after.

According to Palestinian sources, the victim was a 17-year-old teen named Mohammed Hani Al-Ksabah, who was a resident of Al-Ram.

Al-Ksabah reportedly left his home early to reach the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. According to eyewitnesses, he was shot in the upper body after attempting to climb the separation barrier. He was taken to a Ramallah hospital where he succumbed to his wounds.

Two of his brothers were killed during the second intifada in 2002 at the Qalandiyah checkpoint.

The IDF Spokesperson's Unit said that standard procedure was followed in the incident.

According to an officer in Central Command, several Palestinians ambushed the jeep and began to throw rocks and stones at the soldiers.

"The commander did what he had to do due to threat to his life," the officer said.

The officer added that the incident occured on a major road routinely used by travelers.

Last Friday, a Palestinian was shot dead by Israeli military forces Friday after he opened fire on the soldiers at the Beka'ot checkpoint in the West Bank.
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