
Basim Hjazee Demolished His House with His Own Hands

12:00 Sep 28 2011 Silwan, Jerusalem

Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) -- Basim Hjazee was forced to demolish his own house which lies in the neighbourhood of al Abaseya in Silwan.

Hjazee received a demolition order from theJerusalemMunicipalityas well as a fine 15,000 NIS ( $1=3.70 NIS) before Jerusalem Municipality bulldozers reached the house to demolish an added room. His house is 54 square meters and houses 5 family members. It is worth mentioning that it is not the first time theJerusalemMunicipalityobliged Hjazee to remove the roof of the same room and made him pay 7500NIS.
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