
The war on Silwan's children; Wadi Hilweh Information Center

18:45 Jun 4 2011 Silwan, Jerusalem

Friday, 3 June, 2011 | 19:46
[see photos at News Source Link]

Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) -- Targeting of Palestinian children by Israeli settlers and armed forces has increased in recent days. Undercover units in particular have been involved in the abduction of children from their homes and playgrounds, some of whom are then brought before Israeli courts and accused of crimes they didn’t commit. False witnesses have testified in some cases, such as Ahmed Youssef Sarhan, 15, a high school student and vegetable vendor. Sarhan was kidnapped by Israeli forces and tried on false charges. He currently remains behind bars.

Over 25 Palestinians, most of them minors, have been arrested in Silwan in recent days. Detainees’ families have been denied entry to the interrogation of their children by police, despite the fact that both international and Israeli law rules this illegal.
Children as young as 6 years old have been arrested, intimidated and beaten by Israeli forces. Today many minors languish in Israeli prisons, while many others are sentenced to house arrest. Such sentences prevent children from attending school and fulfilling their basic right to education.
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