
Army Arrests brother of accused stabber, and 7 others, across West Bank.

12:00 May 2 2013 Tulkarem, Beit Sahour, Kifl Ḩārith and Kharsa

RAMALLAH, May 2, 2013 (WAFA) – An Israeli army force raided early Thursday the family residence of Salam al-Zaghal, who stabbed to death an Israeli settler on Tuesday south of Nablus, and arrested his brother, according to the Palestinian Prisoner Club.

PPC said in a statement that the army force arrested Muhammad al-Zaghal at his Shweikeh home, near Tulkarm.

Zaghal was brutally beaten to a point he had to be admitted to a hospital inside Israel, said the Club.

Israeli soldiers also arrested six young Palestinians from the villages of Hares and Kufl Hares, in the Salfit area, not far from where the stabbing took place. The youngest of the arrested was 15 years and the oldest was 22.

Arrests also took place in the south of the West Bank, where soldiers arrested one person in the Greek Orthodox housing project, in Beit Sahour, on the eve of Easter celebration for the Orthodox Church.

Soldiers also arrested one person in the village of Kharsa, southwest of Hebron.


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