
Israeli court sentences Palestinian teen to 11 years of prison

12:00 Jan 4 2019 Ofer Prison and Military Court

Israeli court sentences Palestinian teen to 11 years of prison
Daoud Manasra, 19. Published by Maan News

RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- The Israeli military court of Ofer issued a rule against a Palestinian 19-year-old, on Friday, sentencing him to 11 years of prison.

Palestinian Prisoners and Former Prisoners' Affairs Committee said that the military court of Ofer sentenced Daoud Manasra, 19, to 11 years of prison and imposed a compensation of 270,000 shekels ($73,000) and three additional years of imprisonment in lieu of the compensation.

The committee added, in a statement, that Manasra was also sentenced to pay a fine of 10,000 shekels ($3,000).

Israeli forces had detained Manasra mid-2015 after he had allegedly attacked and injured an Israeli soldier at Beit Einun crossroads, in eastern Hebron City in the southern occupied West Bank.

The committee condemned the sentence and the exorbitant financial compensation imposed on Manasra and other political prisoners in Israeli jails.

The committee added that "This proves the barbarity of the fake Israeli judiciary which goes hand in hand with the policies of the Israeli intelligence, aiming to inflict the greatest damage and sanctions on the Palestinians."
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