
Undercover Israeli forces injure 2 Palestinians, detain 5, in Ramallah clashes

12:00 Dec 13 2017 near Israel's Beit El settlement in Occupied Palestinian Territories (oPT)

Scene. Published by Maan News

RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- Israeli special forces disguised as Palestinian protesters arrested five Palestinian youths, including a young woman and two injured young men, during clashes near the illegal Beit El settlement in the central West Bank district of Ramallah.

Witnesses told Ma’an that a group of undercover Israeli forces, known as ‘mustaaribeen’ in Arabi, infiltrated crowds of protesters and journalists when they took out their guns and “attacked the youths,” assaulting, shooting and injuring two of them before detaining five.

Israeli forces sprayed skunk water and fired live ammunition, rubber-coated steel bullets, and tear gas protesters in the area, which has become a flashpoint of confrontations since protests broke out last week in the wake of Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

According to witnesses, uniformed Israeli soldiers provided over for the special forces by opening live fire in the air while undercover forces detained the youths.
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