
Adnan Ghaith returns to Silwan

12:00 Oct 12 2011 Silwan, Jerusalem

Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) --

Exiled activist Adnan Ghaith returned to Silwan on Wednesday 12 October after serving a 9 month ban sentence from his home town. Ghaith’s exile was extended by one month after serving the original 8 month sentence, when he was arrested and removed from Jerusalem the day that he finally returned home last month. The order was enabled on the strength of an old military order from the Mandate era in Palestine.

Ghaith has frequently been targeted by Israeli officials for what they deem “illegal activities” – Ghaith’s role as a local activist in the Popular Committee and his position as Secretary-General for Fatah in Silwan. Ghaith has been arrested and detained many times in recent years, including a 6-month administrative detention sentence
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