
Israeli forces detain 16 Palestinians in East Jerusalem

18:00 May 25 2015 Jerusalem: Silwan and Old City

JERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces detained 16 Palestinians, including a number of teenagers, in occupied East Jerusalem Monday.

The head of a local committee for prisoners' families, Amjad Abu Asab, told Ma'an that Israeli troops raided the neighborhood of Silwan and the Old City at dawn and detained 11 Palestinians.

He identified them as Muhammd Bassam Abu Nab, 17, Fahmi Mousa Haymouni, 20, Ratib Raghib Haymouni, 17, Ahmad Gheith, 17, Hamdi Jabir, 17, Saad Kiswani, 16, Muhammad Mustafa Ruweidi, 17, Ahmad Jawdat Shawish, 20, Layth Nasser Gheith, 22, Shadi Khader Abu Farha, 24, and Ahmad Mahmoud Badriyya, 19.

Israeli forces also detained five Palestinians who were walking near entrance gates to the Al-Aqsa mosque compound.

Sources identified them as Nitham Abu Rumouz, Qusay Dandis, Taha Shawahna, Kheir Shimi, and Muhammad Hashlamoun.

An Israeli police spokesperson could not be reached for comment.

The arrests come a day after a 19-year-old Palestinian was arrested in East Jerusalem for allegedly stabbing two 17-year-old Israelis in the Old City near Damascus Gate.

The two Israelis were reportedly making their way to the Western Wall when they were attacked. They were taken to an Israeli hospital in a moderate condition.

Nitham Abu Rumouz, Qusay Dandis, Taha Shawahna, Kheir Shimi, and Muhammad Hashlamoun detained 5/25/2015
Muhammd Bassam Abu Nab, 17, Fahmi Mousa Haymouni, 20, Ratib Raghib Haymouni, 17, Ahmad Gheith, 17, Hamdi Jabir, 17, Saad Kiswani, 16, Muhammad Mustafa Ruweidi, 17, Ahmad Jawdat Shawish, 20, Layth Nasser Gheith, 22, Shadi Khader Abu Farha, 24, and Ahmad Ma
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