
2 Palestinian children, ages 8 & 10, detained in Silwan

18:00 Sep 25 2011 Al-Bustan neighborhood, Silwan, Jerusalem

JERUSALEM (Ma’an) -- Israeli forces detained two Palestinian children on Sunday evening in East Jerusalem's Silwan neighborhood, witnesses said.

Israeli forces raided the al-Bustan area of Silwan and detained Wajd Abu Hlayyil, 8, and Umran Mansour, 10, locals told Ma'an.

The arrests sparked clashes between Israeli soldiers and local residents, with Israeli forces firing rubber bullets and tear gas.

Witnesses added that Israeli soldiers broke into several homes and stationed themselves on rooftops.

An Israeli border police spokesman could not be reached for comment on the incident.

A report published in July 2011 by Israeli human rights group B'Tselem said that since 2005 at least 835 Palestinian minors were arrested and tried in Israeli military courts on charges of stone throwing.

Military legislation grants Palestinian children very few rights and Israeli military legislation dealing with minors does not conform to international and Israeli law, the report added.

Palestinian children are considered adults from the age of 16 years under Israeli military regulations governing the occupied Palestinian territories.

In Israel, children are considered adults from the age of 18.
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