
The perpetual threat of arrest Silwan’s children face: anytime, anywhere

12:00 Sep 13 2011 Silwan, Jerusalem

Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) -- The children of Silwan are like any others in the world: they wish to have fun, and spend their leisure time playing. The Israeli forces that dominate Silwan, however, make this impossible: the children of Silwan face the threat of daily kidnappings from their own streets – the only place available for them to play.

While the Jerusalem Municipality extorts taxes from the Palestinian residents of Silwan, they do not re-invest any of that money back into the community, such as the construction of play grounds for children. Settlers, meanwhile, control vast areas of land in Silwan and physically prevent Palestinian residents from reaching them. The Palestinian child is cornered into her or his own Bantustan, exposed to arrest and kidnapping.

Images documenting the kidnapping of a local child by undercover units, as he played neighborhood in Ras al-Amoud district of Silwan on 22 July 2011:

Islam Jaber, 13, appears in the video after being brutally beaten by Israeli Forces.

Malek Issam Da’na, 8, together with his father holds the medical report issued after he was beaten severely by Israeli forces.
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