
Israeli forces detain 16 Palestinians across West Bank

03:00 Aug 28 2014 Burin, Tulkarem, Beitillu, Modiin checkpoint, Hebron, Beit Fajjar, Yatta

updated 8/28/14 20:08

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces detained 16 Palestinians across the West Bank early Thursday, targeting homes in raids near Nablus, Bethlehem, Tulkarem, and Ramallah,

Israeli forces detained 24-year-old Ghassan Zeidan Najjar in the Nablus area village of Burin in a dawn raid on his home on Thursday, Palestinian security sources told Ma'an.

Israeli troops also broke into home of the principal of the Burin elementary school and told him he would be detained if pupils from his school continued to throw stones at settler vehicles traveling on the main road near Burin.

The raid came after Israeli forces stormed the Burin school on Wednesday and fired tear gas after a student reportedly threw a rock at a car belonging to an Israeli settler traveling on a nearby road.

Israeli forces also ransacked home of Salah Najjar without making detentions.

In Tulkarem, meanwhile, the Palestinian security sources said that Israeli troops ransacked several homes before dawn before they detained Akram Qaadan, Samir Fakhouri, Qassam Riyad Bdeir, Abd al-Basit Issam Shreitih, and Amjad Abu Safaqa.

Israeli forces detained three Palestinians from the Ramallah-area village of Betlo early Thursday as well, according to the Palestinian Prisoner's Society.

Othman Asaad and Mahmoud al-Bazar were detained from the village after soldiers raided their homes, while Fidaa Suleiman, 22, was detained at Modiin military checkpoint west of Ramallah.

The prisoner rights group added that Suleiman's two brothers Khader and Ahmad Suleiman are currently being held as prisoners in Israeli jails.

An Israeli military spokeswoman confirmed the five arrests in Tulkarem but did not have information on the remaining arrests.

She did, however, add that four Palestinians were arrested in Hebron and three south of Bethlehem in overnight raids.

She added that all of the detained individuals were "suspected of being involved in terrorist activity."

by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies
8/28/14 11:35

Israeli soldiers kidnapped fourteen Palestinians in various invasions targeting different communities in the occupied West Bank, and briefly detained two other Palestinians.

Media sources, in the central West Bank city of Ramallah, have reported that the army kidnapped a young woman, identified as Fida’ Suleiman, 22, at the Modi’in roadblock, west of Ramallah.

Suleiman’s brothers, Khader and Ahmad, are both political prisoners, held by Israel.

The sources added that the soldiers also invaded Betello village, northwest of Ramallah, and kidnapped two Palestinians, identified as ‘Othman As’ad, and Mahmoud al-Bazzaz.

In Bethlehem, soldiers invaded Beit Fajjar nearby town, broke into and searched a number of homes, and kidnapped two Palestinians identified as Mohammad Hisham Deeriyya, 19, Imad Ibrahim Deeriyya, 23.

Local sources in Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank, stated that the soldiers kidnapped two Palestinians from the city, and one Palestinian in Yatta town, south of Hebron.

The kidnapped Palestinians have been identified as Husam Zghayyar, Adham Abu Hadid, from Hebron, and Ali Khaled Morr, 28, from Yatta.

In related news, soldiers removed a military roadblock that was burnt by Palestinian protesters, last Friday, in Bab az-Zawiya area, in the center of Hebron city.

The army is now replacing the roadblock with a cement and a narrow Iron Gate that only allows one person through at a time.

In addition, soldiers invaded Burin village, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, and kidnapped Ghassan Zeidan Najjar, 24, after searching and ransacking his home.

The army also invaded the home of Ibrahim ‘Omran, headmaster of the local high school in the town, and threatened to kidnap him “should the students continue to hold protests," and “continue to throw stones at settler’s cars."

Several soldiers also broke into another home in the village, and searched it, before withdrawing.

In addition, dozens of soldiers invaded Tulkarem city, in the northern part of the West Bank, and kidnapped five Palestinians after breaking into their homes, and ransacking their properties.

The kidnapped Palestinians have been identified as Akram Issam Qa’dan, 29, Samer Kamal Fakhoury, 28, Abdul-Baset Issam Shreiteh, 23, Qassam Riyadh Bdeir, 26, and Amjad Abu Safaqa.

In Jenin, also in the northern part of the West Bank, soldiers invaded and searched several homes, interrogated a number of residents, and briefly detained two Palestinians, before handing them military warrants ordering them to head to the Salem Military base for interrogation.

The two have been identified as Mohammad Rajab Yassin, 24, and Karim Mustafa Ghazeel, 16.


Ghassan Zeidan Najjar, age 14, detained 8/28/14
Akram Qaadan, Samir Fakhouri, Qassam Riyad Bdeir, Abd al-Basit Issam Shreitih, Amjad Abu Safaqa detained 8/28/14
Fida’ Suleiman detained at checkpoint 8/28/14
Mohammad Hisham Deeriyya, Imad Ibrahim Deeriyya detained 8/28/14
Husam Zghayyar, Adham Abu Hadid detained 8/28/14
Ali Khaled Morr detained 8/28/14
Othman As’ad, Mahmoud al-Bazzaz detained 8/28/14
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