
Israel Targets Homes of 3 Palestinians Allegedly Accused of Killing of 3 Settlers

03:00 Aug 18 2014 Hebron

HEBRON, August 18, 2014 (WAFA) – Israeli army on Monday demolished two houses and sealed off a third with cement, all belonging to three Palestinians whom Israel claims were behind the disappearance and killing of three settlers, who went missing on June 10 and were later found dead near Hebron, reported WAFA correspondent.

Hundreds of Israeli soldiers stormed the city in the predawn hours, planted explosives in the house of Amer Abu-Eisha, who is currently wanted by Israel, and the house of prisoner Husam al-Qawasmeh and destroyed them. Forces also poured cement into a third house belonging to Marwan al-Qawasmeh, who is also wanted by Israel, as well as sealed it off with barbered wires.

Soldiers used eight cement mixers to pour cement into the house of Marwan al-Qawasmeh, evacuated several homes near Husam and Abu Eisha’a homes before destroying them, took over the rooftops of several homes in the area, as well as conducted combing operations to nearby land, spurring clashes with residents.
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