
Shots Fired At Army Vehicle Near Ramallah

22:00 Nov 6 2013 between Ramallah and Ni'lin

by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies

[Thursday November 7, 2013] Israeli sources have reported that, on Wednesday at night, rounds of live ammunition were fired at an Israeli military vehicle, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah, causing no injuries.

The sources claimed that the car drove out of Ni’lin village, near Ramallah, and its passengers opened fired at the Israeli military jeep before fleeing the scene.

The army said soldiers fired back at the vehicle, and chased it into the village.

The army added that as the soldiers invaded Ni’lin, another vehicle tried to ram an Israeli officer who fired at the car before it fled the scene.

The Israeli army spokesperson said that the soldiers are currently trying to locate the two vehicles in an attempt to identify and arrest the Palestinians.
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