
Israeli authorities impose house arrest on Khaled Uwaida, age 15

12:00 Aug 5 2011 Silwan, Jerusalem

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- An Israeli court has imposed house arrest on a 15-year-old Palestinian child in Silwan town in occupied Jerusalem.

The committee for the defense of Silwan said in a press release on Sunday that the child, Khaled Uwaida, was ordered to remain in his family home until 15 October and detained his ID until end of the period.

It pointed out that the kid was apprehended in front of his home in Bustan suburb on 1 June at the hands of a special unit and was held in custody for 25 days during which he was constantly beaten. It added that Uwaida was banished from Silwan until 5 August when he was held under house arrest.

Human rights groups have charged the Israeli occupation authority with targeting Silwan minors, noting that tens of them were either arrested or banished at the pretext of throwing stones at Jewish settlers.
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