
Settlers raid Nablus village, attack locals

12:00 Apr 29 2013 Beit Furik

NABLUS (Ma'an) -- A group of settlers raided a Nablus village on Monday and attacked local residents, a Palestinian Authority official said.

Ghassan Daghlas, who monitors settlement activity in the northern West Bank, told Ma'an that three religious settlers from Itamar raided Beit Furik and attacked residents with "sharp tools," causing head injuries to two residents.

Fawzi Nasasra, 60, and Abdul Rahman Khatatba, 50, were taken to hospital to be treated for moderate injuries, Daghlas said.

Settler attacks against Palestinians and their property is routine in the occupied West Bank and rarely punished by Israeli authorities, who locals accuse of failing to intervene despite being present at many incidents.

Annual figures compiled by Israeli rights group Yesh Din have repeatedly shown that nine out of 10 police investigations about settler crimes fail to lead to a prosecution.
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