
7 Demolition orders issues in Arab II Kaabneh; tractor confiscated, no means access to water

18:40 Jul 29 2011 Arab Il Kaabneh area, southern Jordan Valley

JVS 28 July -- Yesterday, the Israeli Civil Administration gave 7 demolition orders to Palestinian families of Arab Il Kaabneh community. Arab Il Kaabneh is located between Jericho and Al Awja, and is considered as Area C by Israeli forces. Musa Isliman Musa Imlihait's family has been ordered demolitions for 4 animal shelters and 3 fences. He has been given until Sunday then after the Occupation Forces will destroy all those structures. His tractor has also been confiscated by the army and sent to Tulkarem military base. That means they have no tractor to pull their mobile water tank and thus no access to water.
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