
Young Palestinian Sentenced To 19 Months by Israeli Military Court

12:00 Feb 28 2013 Ofer Military Prison

by IMEMC & Agencies

Thursday February 28, 2013, The Ofer Israeli Military Court sentenced a Palestinian child to 19-months imprisonment allegedly for throwing stones at Israeli soldiers in Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank.

The child has been identified as Mahmoud Ghneimat, from Surif town, near Hebron.

Israeli soldiers kidnapped him, along with several other children, ages 14-18, several months ago, and imposed fines on most of the kidnapped children, and sentenced some of them to 6-18 months.

Furthermore, Israel released on bail Dr. Amani Mousa Odah, 26, and forced her under house arrest after the prosecution claimed that she conducted incitement against Israel.

The Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Silwan town, in occupied East Jerusalem, said that the bail amount was set at 1500 New Israeli Shekels, and that the Dr. was ordered under house arrest for 10 days.

Amani was kidnapped on Wednesday at dawn after the army broke into and search her home.

The soldiers also broke into and searched several homes, in addition to breaking into the clinic of Dr. Amani in Salah Ed-Deen Street, in Jerusalem. They confiscated two computers and a camera from her home.

Furthermore, Amani’s sister-in-law was also injured, after the soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets before breaking into the residents’ homes.

The wounded woman is the wife of political prisoner, Mohammad Mousa Odah, the brother of Dr. Amani. She was moved to the Hadassah Ein Karem Israeli hospital in Jerusalem.

_________ Reports of original arrest_______

Soldiers Kidnap A Child In Hebron
Monday October 01, 2012 02:14
by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies

sraeli soldiers kidnapped, Sunday, a Palestinian child in the Old City of Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank. Soldiers also invaded several nearby villages.

Local sources reported that the army kidnapped a child identified as Mahmoud Ghneimat, while he was playing near the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron, and took him to an unknown destination.

Furthermore, the army invaded the villages of Kharsa, As-Sorra and Tarma, south of Hebron, and searched several homes; no arrests were reported.

The army repeatedly invades Palestinian villages, towns and refugee camps in different parts of the occupied West Bank.

Soldiers also conduct repeated arrests at military roadblocks installed in different parts of the West Bank.


Israeli Forces Raid Several Cities in the West Bank, Arrest a Young Palestinian

Published on Thursday, 01 November 2012 10:02 by Palestinian News Network


On Thursday 1st October, Israeli occupation forces arrested a young Palestinian at the entrance of the Ibrahimi Mosque in the old city of Hebron, searched several houses in Ethna village in the same Governorate, including the houses of Khalil Tmaizi, Tareq and Ibrahim Awad and Ahmad Deeb.

Local sources said that Israeli forces arrested the 17 year-old Palestinian, Mahmoud Ghneimat, at the entrance of the Ibrahimi mosque.

The forces also set military checkpoints in several neighborhoods in Hebron and at the entrances of Yatta, Halhoul, Ethna, Sa'ir villages, searched Palestinians' vehicles and checked their IDs.

In Jenin Governorate, Israeli forces broke into two houses.

Security sources told Palestine official news agency WAFA that Israeli forces broke into the houses of Ibrahim Tahir Nawahda from Yamoun village and Hani Shafiq Abdul Rahman Jaradat from al-Seila al-Harithiya village, and they were interrogated by an official in Israeli intelligence service "Mossad".

Israeli forces also raided at dawn, the city of Beit Jala and broke into several houses in al-Seder area. No arrests were reported.
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