
Army Detains Three In Jerusalem, Injures One Woman

04:00 Feb 27 2013 Al-Bustan neighborhood of Silwan, East Jerusalem

by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies
Wednesday February 27, 2013 10:02

Wednesday February 27, 2013; Israeli soldiers invaded Silwan town, in occupied East Jerusalem, broke into and searched several homes, and kidnapped three Palestinians, including a woman. Another woman was injured by rubber-coated metal bullets fired by the soldiers.

Faklhri Abu Thiab, coordinator of the Silwan Defense Committee, reported that dozens of Israeli soldiers and Israeli security offices invaded Silwan at 4 at dawn, and broke into the homes of Khaled Yasoul and Adli Maragha.

The soldiers violently searched the two homes, and confiscated computers, before kidnapping the two men and taking them to an interrogation facility.

Abu Thiab added that the soldiers also invaded the home of Dr. Amani Mousa, in Al-Bustan neighborhood in Silwan, and confiscated two computers and a camera, before kidnapping her. The soldiers also broke into Mousa’s clinic in Salah Ed-Deen Street, in Jerusalem.

Furthermore, Amani’s sister-in-law was also injured, after the soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets before breaking into the residents’ homes.

The wounded woman is the wife of political prisoner, Mohammad Mousa Odah, the brother of Dr. Amani. She was moved to the Hadassah Ein Karem Israeli hospital in Jerusalem.

Earlier on Wednesday, Israeli soldiers invaded different areas in the occupied West Bank, broke into and searched several homes, and kidnapped a number of Palestinians.
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