
Family: Israel sentences Hamas MP to 30 months

12:00 Jan 24 2013 Ofer Military Court

RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- Hamas lawmaker Hassan Yousef was sentenced to 30 months in Israeli jail after serving several administrative detention terms, his family said on Sunday.

Israel's Ofer military court handed down the sentence on Thursday. Yousef is appealing the sentence and another court session will be held on Tuesday, relatives said.

Yousef, an MP for the Hamas-affiliated Change and Reform Bloc, was detained on Nov. 1, 2011 with his son from his home in Beituniya, near Ramallah, and held without charge.

He had recently left jail in an August prisoner release deal. Yousef had been sentenced to a six-year term for "membership of a terrorist organization," and freed after two years.
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