
Israeli forces break up south Hebron protest, detain activists

12:00 Jan 18 2013 Susiya

HEBRON (Ma’an) -- Israeli forces dispersed a demonstration against land confiscation in the south Hebron hills village of Susiya on Friday, detaining three Palestinians, protesters said.

Around 200 demonstrators marched to lands recently confiscated by Israeli authorities for the Israeli settlement Suseya, they told Ma'an.

Israeli troops stopped the demonstration and detained a Palestinian woman, Huriyya Shamisti, her son Raafat and another man named as Muhammad Shamisti, according to the group.

An Israeli army spokeswoman said forces intervened in a confrontation between protesters and Israeli settlers, declaring the area a closed military zone.

She told Ma'an that four protesters were detained and questioned at the scene after they entered the closed military zone and damaged Israel's wall.
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