
EU calls on Israel to Halt Expulsion of Palestinians in Area C

12:00 Jun 18 2012 Susiya

JERUSALEM, June 18, 2012 (WAFA) – The European Union called on Israel to halt a policy of forced transfer of Palestinian residents of Area C, which is under full Israeli control, and to meet its obligations regarding living conditions in these area, a press release said Monday.

The call came after a group of EU diplomats visited on Friday the village of Susiya in the Southern Hebron Hills “to show their concerns over the humanitarian impact and political implications of the recent demolition orders for the village's 50 residential shelters,” said the EU release.

The group met with representatives of the village and received a briefing about recent developments which have increased the risk of forced displacement for the village's population.

The diplomats toured the village which is located very close to the Susiya settlement in Area C. The residents of Susiya explained that access to land has been progressively reduced due to settlement construction and settler violence, with a negative impact on their livelihoods and security.

“The EU has called upon Israel to meet its obligations regarding the living conditions of the Palestinian population in Area C, including halting forced transfer of population and demolition of Palestinian housing and infrastructure, simplifying administrative procedures to obtain building permits, ensuring access to water and addressing humanitarian needs,” said the press release.

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