
Israelis Demolish Homes near Hebron

06:45 Nov 6 2012 al-Derat and al-Jawaya

Photos & Video: by Operation Dove

HEBRON, November 6, 2012 (WAFA) – Israeli forces Tuesday demolished two Palestinian houses, a barn and a water well in the villages of al-Derat and al-Jawaya, south of Hebron, and handed four other Palestinians demolition orders for their houses, according to a local activist.

Ratib Jabour, from the Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements, told WAFA that Israeli bulldozers, protected by a military force, raided the two villages and demolished two houses, including a two-story building, in addition to an animal barn and a water well.

He added that forces also notified four Palestinians of their intentions to demolish four more houses in the area in an attempt to force the residents to leave their land in order to seize it.


YouTube video commentary (text) by Operation Dove

On November 6th the Israeli army demolished one house and a stumble in the Palestinian village of Derath; afterward it demolished a house and a water cistern in the Palestinian village of Jawaya, South Hebron Hills, West Bank.

Around 6.45 am three DCO (District Coordination Office) cars, two demolition machines and one bulldozer broke in Derath village escorted by four Border Police jeeps and one army vehicle. First it was demolished a two floors house still under construction owned by Mohammad Musa Mohammad Abu Aram, then they moved to demolish a metal sheep's stumble.

At about 9 am the vehicles proceeded to Jawaya village, demolished a house and destroyed a water cistern, used to collect rain water; both owned by Mahmud Ahmed Nasser Nawaja. In the South Hebron Hills area water supply is particularly critical. According to the owner, in 2011 the DCO delivered only a stop working order for those two structures.
The two Palestinian villages are located in Area C, under Israeli military and civil administration. According to OCHA oPt (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in occupied Palestinian territory) construction is prohibited for Palestinians in some 70% of Area C, while in the remaining 30%, a range of restrictions eliminate the possibility of obtaining a building permit.

The policies enforced by the Israeli authorities in Area C restrict the possibility to access to basic needs for the residents and prevent environment and development of Palestinian communities. An OCHA Opt research shows that in some communities families are being forced to move as a result of Israeli policies applied in Area C

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