
Eleven Palestinian Youths Detained In Silwan

12:00 Jul 13 2011 Silwan, Jerusalem

IMEMC 13 July -- Wafa has reported that eleven Palestinian teenagers have been arrested in the Palestinian district of Silwan in East Jerusalem. The teenagers, aged between 14-17, were taken from their homes by Israeli military on Wednesday during a raid of the area. The teenagers are accused of throwing stones at the nearby settlement of Beit Yonatan. A police spokesperson has stated the youth will be charged in the coming days.

Silwan is situated near the Old City of Jerusalem. It has been extensively targeted by the Israeli municipality for housing demolitions under the pretext of building an archaeological park known as "The City of David" in the area. A road running through Silwan to connect settlements to the city has also recently been announced. Housing demolition notices have been served to locals to make way for the planned 4 meter wide road.
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