
Israel expropriates Palestinian land in order to legalize West Bank settlement

12:00 Jul 5 2011 Karyut village, near Eli settlement

Haaretz 8 July -- Move is Netanyahu government's first confiscation of land in the territories ... Last week, acting on orders from the government, the Civil Administration declared 189 dunams of land belonging to the Palestinian village of Karyut to be state land, so as to retroactively legalize houses and a road in the Hayovel neighborhood of the settlement of Eli. This would seem to violate Israel's long-standing commitment to the United States not to expropriate Palestinian lands for settlement expansion. An Ottoman land law dating from 1858 allows uncultivated land to be declared state land. This law, which is still in force in the West Bank, is what was used to carry out the expropriation.
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