
Undercover Israeli Soldiers Kidnap Patient From Hospital In Hebron

03:00 Sep 12 2024 Halhoul (حلحول)

Undercover Israeli Soldiers Kidnap Patient From Hospital In Hebron
Scene. Screenshot. Published by IMEMC News

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by IMEMC News
Sep 12, 2024

Shortly after midnight, undercover Israeli soldiers infiltrated Halhoul Governmental Hospital, in Halhoul, north of Hebron in the occupied West Bank’s southern part and kidnapped a wounded Palestinian despite his moderate-to-severe wounds.

The hospital director, Salah Tmeizi, said that the medical staff was taken aback when special forces of the army, dressed in civilian clothes, stormed the medical center and its departments.

Tmeizi added that undercover forced kidnapped a patient, despite his need to continued medical care, before fleeing the area and handing him to a regular army unit.

He further stated that this incursion by the special forces constitutes a blatant violation of international law and all international conventions that prohibit the storming of hospitals and healthcare institutions.

Al-Jazeera correspondent in Hebron reported that the soldiers were concealed in two commercial trucks and two cars before invading the hospital and kidnapping the wounded young man.
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