
Israeli Colonizers Shoot a Palestinian Child Near Nablus

18:00 May 2 2024 Qusra (قُصرة), Israeli's Yesh Kodish (אֵשׁ קֹדֶשׁ, אש קודש) and Beit El (בֵּית אֵל ‎بيت إيل) settlements, and Mleihat Arab community northwest of Jericho.

Soldiers and Settlers. Source: Maan News
Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
May 3, 2024

On Thursday night, illegal Israeli colonizers shot and seriously injured a Palestinian child in the town of Qusra, southeast of Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank.

According to local activist, Fouad Hassan, armed paramilitary settlers dressed in army uniforms, attacked Palestinians in the town, and opened fire with live ammunition.

The Ministry of Health confirmed that a 14-year-old child sustained serious wounds after Israeli settlers from the illegal “Yesh Kodesh” outpost, shot him in the chest with live ammunition.

In related news, a group of Israeli settlers damaged Palestinian-owned vehicles, on Thursday evening, north of Al-Biereh, in the central West Bank.

Under the full protection of the occupation army, colonizers hurled rocks at citizen’s vehicles near the illegal “Beit El” colony

Furthermore, in the northern Jordan Valley, Israeli colonizers attacked and harassed Palestinian citizens in the Mleihat Arab community northwest of Jericho.

On Thursday morning, at least 15 illegal settlers invaded Palestinian citizens’ lands, grazed their livestock, and attacked homes, according to Hassan Mleihat, the general supervisor of the “Al-Baidar” organization for defending the rights of Bedouins.

Mleihat added that the settlers emptied seven water tanks belonging to local citizens in the community.

Israeli settlers from Yesh Kodish reported shooting, seriously wounding 14-year-old Palestinian child in Qusra 5/2/2024
14-year-old Palestinian child reported shot & seriously wounded by Israeli settlers from Yesh Kodish 5/2/2024
Settlers reported hurling rocks at Palestinian vehicles 5/2/2024
15 Israeli settlers reported vandalizing Mleihat Arab community, emptying water tanks, 5/2/2024
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