
Israeli Colonizers Shoot A Palestinian In Qalqilia

18:00 Apr 10 2024 Israel's El Matan settlement ( אל מתן), Kafr Thulth (كفر ثلث), Qalqilia (قلقيلية), and Jayyous (جيوس)

Israeli Colonizers Shoot A Palestinian In Qalqilia
Scene. File? Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
April 10, 2024

On Wednesday evening, illegal paramilitary colonizers shot a Palestinian in Kafr Thulth town, south of Qalqilia in the occupied West Bank’s northern part.

Media sources said the El Matan illegal colony, built on stolen Palestinian lands, attacked the eastern area of the town, known as Khallet Hassan.

They added that the colonizers hurled stones at a farmer, Ayman Odah, while working on his land, causing various wounds.

Also on Wednesday evening, the army installed a roadblock at the southern entrance of Qalqilia, stopped and searched dozens of cars, and interrogated many Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

It is worth mentioning that, for the fourth consecutive day, the Israeli army continued the siege on Jayyous town, east of Qalqilia, amidst ongoing invasions and ransacking of homes, in addition to the many military roadblocks.

Armed Israeli settlers reported shooting a Palestinian & stoning farmer, Ayman Odah, 4/10/2024
A Palestinian reported shot and farmer, Ayman Odah stoned by Israelis from El Matan settlement 5/10/2024
Seige & ongoing home invasions reported 4/10/2024
Roadblock at southern entrance reported installed by Israeli forces 4/10/2024.
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