
[Israeli Settlers terrorize Khirbet Zanuta (South Hebron Hills]

06:00 Oct 28 2023 Khirbet Zanuta (خربة زنوتا) and Israel's Meitarim Farms-Industrial Zone

[Israeli Settlers terrorize Khirbet Zanuta (South Hebron Hills] [Israeli Settlers terrorize Khirbet Zanuta (South Hebron Hills] [Israeli Settlers terrorize Khirbet Zanuta (South Hebron Hills] [Israeli Settlers terrorize Khirbet Zanuta (South Hebron Hills]
Scenes. Posted by Yehuda Shaul, a founder of Breaking the Silence

See videos at here.

Yehuda Shaul

BREAKING: As we speak, the community of Khirbet Zanuta (South Hebron Hills) is packing up their village and leaving their lands as a result of settler terrorism.

Forcible transfer is taking place in front of our eyes and yet we remain silent.


Israeli Jewish terrorists, mainly from the nearby unauthorized outpost of Meitarim Farm, strengthened by their complete impunity from the Israeli authorities, have brought us to where we are now - 250 residents of Khirbet Zanuta are forced to leave their lands.

The school in Khirbet Zanuta was built by international humanitarian funds. Will donor countries take action?
@EUpalestinians, @EUinIsrae, @JosepBorrellF, @IrlRepRamallah, @UKinJerusalem, @FranceJerusalem, @SwedeninJERU, @ConsuladoEspJer, @ItalyinJlem, @MFA_Lu, @BelgiumJRS

In this video you can see the trucks leaving the land with the village’s belongings.

While all eyes are on Gaza, settlers escalate their terror attacks on Palestinian communities in order to forcibly transfer them. See this B'Tselem report from 10 days ago (bear in mind, since its publication, more communities have been expelled).

The residents of Khirbet Zanuta have suffered from ongoing violence from Mikneh Yehuda Farm - Asael and Meitarim Farm, which together also recently expelled Widada and Radeem. See below.

Yehuda Shaul
Oct 18
[1] 2 days ago settlers entered the Abu Safi family compound in the Pal community of Radeem in the South Hebron Hills. They damaged their solar panels and punctured their water tank.
Settlers are trying to expel the family, as they did to the Amer family from Radeem 5 days ago

After having called for an end to settler violence in the West Bank, what more needs to happen before President @JoeBiden puts his money where his mouth is? @USPalAffairs

Israeli settlers continue to terrorize community, which is reported fleeing 10/28/2023
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