Ori Givati
Advocacy Director at @BtSIsrael
|| מנהל מחלקת קשרי חוץ @ShovrimShtika
Aug 1, 2023
רוצים לראות איך נראית הקמת מאחז לא חוקי בתמיכת הצבא והמשטרה? צפו בסרטון הזה. עכשיו בדרום הר חברון הגיעו מתנחלים להקים מאחז באדמות הפרטיות של הכפר טובא, על בור מים שמשמש את הקהילה. הצבא מרחיק את הפלסטינים והפעילים מבור המים, בזמן שמאפשר למתנחלים להקים מאחז. השוטר בשטח משתתף בהצגה.
Translated from Hebrew by Google:
Want to see what it looks like to set up an illegal outpost with the support of the army and the police? Watch this video. Now in the south of Mount Hebron, settlers have come to establish an outpost on the private lands of the village of Tuba, on a water cistern that is used by the community. The army keeps the Palestinians and the activists away from the water well, while allowing the settlers to establish an outpost. The policeman in the field participates in the show.
Israeli Soldiers Remove Palestinians, Permit Settlers at West Bank Well
by Hagar Shezaf for Haaretz
Aug 3, 2023 5:35 pm IDT
Israeli soldiers were filmed on Wednesday forcibly removing local Palestinians from a Palestinian-owned water well in the West Bank while allowing a group of Jewish settlers to remain there.
The footage shows an IDF officer ordering Palestinians and activists to evacuate while the settlers remain undisturbed. The settlers blocked Palestinians and Israeli left-wing activists from entering the area where they set up a tent.
The well is situated in the South Hebron Hills, near the villages of Masafer Yatta and Tuba, within an inactive section of Firing Zone 918, which local Palestinians use for grazing livestock. Palestinians assert ownership of the well, attributing it to one of the local village's residents. Nonetheless, the IDF officer is heard affirming that the only person allowed to stay in the area is Issachar Mann, the proprietor of a nearby Jewish outpost.
The IDF has responded saying "Israeli citizens, who coordinated their entry into Firing Zone 918 as required, clashed yesterday with both Israeli and Palestinian activists who arrived at the firing zone without coordination. An IDF force that arrived at the scene worked to stop the confrontation and removed the uncoordinated Israeli and Palestinian activists from the area.”
The army's statement overlooks the fact that the village of Tuba lies within the firing zone, and its residents are not obligated to coordinate their entry.
“This happens every time they go to the water wells,” says one local resident who was present. “They go there a few times every week. But today they went to a water well which belongs to our neighbor, a woman in her 70s, and today they said that only Issachar Mann can use the well … and nobody else. The army even tried to arrest the well owner’s daughter.”
During the incident, a left-wing activist present at the scene was apprehended and questioned on suspicion of assaulting a soldier and obstructing an investigation. However, the activist was later released with a restraining order prohibiting entry into the area.
“Some of the Israelis who were evicted pushed an IDF officer and were stopped for questioning by Israel Police,” the IDF's response added, “all people are allowed to … enter the said area, under the condition that they have made a request and coordinated their arrival in advance. During their stay, the civilians who coordinated their entry have erected a temporary tent which was removed when they exited the area.”
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