
Israeli Court Extends Arrest of Injured Minor

12:00 Mar 21 2012 Soroka Hospital, Israel

RAMALLAH, March 21, 2012 (WAFA) – An Israeli court extended Wednesday the arrest of injured Palestinian minor Mohammad Rashid for a week under the pretext of preparing his file to be submitted to the prosecution, the Ministry of Prisoners said on Tuesday.

Attorney Kareem Ajwa said Rashid, 16, was shot in the foot during an Israeli raid on the town of Yatta, south of Hebron, on March 8. He has been detained in Soroka Hospital, south of Israel, since his arrest.

The Israeli court denied an appeal submitted by the ministry to immediately release Rashid, who was not able to show up at court on Tuesday due to his health condition.

Rashid is still experiencing severe pain throughout his body, particularly in the right foot and pelvis due to his injuries, added Ajwa.

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