
Soldiers Demolish The Family Home Of Palestinian Detainee

12:00 Feb 10 2021 al-Tura (Toura)

Soldiers Demolish The Family Home Of Palestinian Detainee Soldiers Demolish The Family Home Of Palestinian Detainee
Scenes. Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
Feb 10, 2021

Israeli soldiers demolished, on Wednesday afternoon, the family home of a Palestinian detainee from Jenin, who stands accused of killing an Israeli colonialist settler in December of last year.

Several Israeli military jeeps and bulldozers invaded Toura village, west of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, and demolished the two-story home.

The Israeli decision to demolish the family home of detainee Mohammad Kabaha, was issued on January 6th, 2021.

The Israeli army alleges the detainee is behind the death of an Israeli settler, identified Esther Horgan, 52, who was found dead, on December 21, 2020, close to Tel Menashe illegal colony, near Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

The army claims that Kabaha killed the settler woman to avenge the death of detainee Kamal Abu Wa’ar, 46, from Qabatia town, south of Jenin.

Abu Wa’ar was cancer-stricken, and also contracted the coronavirus while in prison before he died following a serious deterioration in his health due to being subjected to medical neglect on the part of the Israeli Prison Authority.

It is worth mentioning that undercover Israeli soldiers kidnapped Kabaha on December 24th, 2020, and frequently invaded his home in addition to assaulting his family and interrogating them during the violent searches of the property.

The Israeli practice of home demolitions, regardless of the ‘justification’, is an illegal act of collective punishment and violates various international treaties, especially the 1949 Geneva Conventions which regarded the practice as a war crime.
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