
Israeli Colonists Attack Palestinian Homes Near Nablus

06:00 Mar 12 2020 Einabus (Ainabus, 'Aynabus) and Burin

Israeli Colonists Attack Palestinian Homes Near Nablus
Scene. Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News

Several illegal Israeli colonists attacked, on Thursday at dawn, a few Palestinian homes in Einabus village, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, causing damage.

Ghassan Daghlas, a Palestinian Authority official who monitors Israel’s illegal colonialist activities in northern West Bank, said the Israeli assailants infiltrated into the village and started hurling stones at two homes, owned by Awwad Amin Hamad and Shokri Shaqqour, causing damage to several windows.

Daghlas added that the colonists also attacked a car, owned by Hani Nabli, causing damage to its windows, and hurled stones at a few surrounding homes.

In addition, the colonists invaded the eastern area of Burin town, south of Nablus, and partially damaged an under-construction Palestinian home, owned by Montaser Mansour.

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