
Eight Palestinians in Jerusalem Receive Summons to Appear in Court

06:00 Jan 4 2020 al-Isawiya (Issawiya)

Eight Palestinians in Jerusalem Receive Summons to Appear in Court Eight Palestinians in Jerusalem Receive Summons to Appear in Court
Scene. Published by IMEMC News
Scene. File. Published by IMEMC News

Night Home Arrest Applied against Jerusalemite Youths, Recalling British Emergency Law

by IMEMC News
January 5, 2020 9:21 PM

According to the British Emergency Law of 1945, Israeli occupation authorities have applied the procedure of night home arrest on a group of Jerusalemites youth in al-Eesawiyya town, north of occupied Jerusalem. Two specialists have considered the move illegal and out of alignment with international law, and a blatant violation of human rights.

Israeli occupation authorities imposed night home arrest, against nine Jerusalemite youth from al-Eesawiyya, for different periods varying from 3-4 months, under the pretext of participating in confrontations with Israeli soldiers.

The youth have been identified as Nadim Al-Safadi, Saleh Abu Asab, Nidal Farroukh, Anwar Sami Obaid, Muhammad Alyan Alyan, Fayez Muhammad Muhaisen, Muhammad Musa Mustafa, Adam Kayed Mahmoud, and Mahmoud Ramadan Obaid.

They have expressed their refusal of the decision, stressing their right to free movement without restrictions, decisions and laws.

They explained that an Israeli intelligence officer threatened them with actual arrest or deportation to Gaza, in the case they do not adhere to the decision handed to them. He also informed them that they will raid their homes during period, from 8 pm until 6 am.

According to Al Ray, the military informed the young men that it is to issue night home arrest orders under the emergency regulations established by the British Mandate.

The lawyer Jad al-Qadmani said that Israeli use of old British emergency regulations, to impose night home arrest on Palestinian youth, constitutes a blatant violation of the right to free movement.

He explained that the law of night home arrest contradicts Israeli law and other laws, since any regulation that restricts the movement of people is considered illegal.

He added that the law must not be applied in the presence of other laws and legislation, and it cannot be dealt with, because it depends on an old and unjust regulations.

Israeli authorities resort to this law in order to apply a policy that seeks to constrict the life conditions of Jerusalemites in al-Eesawiyya.

The law of home arrest, has been used in limitation, in past years, applied only on Palestinians, giving Israeli army officers the authority to enforce their policies.

The six who were detained in al-Eesawiyya were released because there is no evidence against them.

British emergency regulations gave Israeli leadership a wide authority to use administrative detention and to demolish Palestinian homes in the West Bank.

Chairman of the Committee of the Families of Jerusalemites, Amjad Abu Asab, said that Israeli occupation authorities create new and unfair methods against Palestinians in Jerusalem in order to create terror, fear, frustration and despair in their hearts, in order to tighten their control over them.

Authorities use British Emergency Law to overcome any procedure that Jerusalemites may use against the law, since it has no appeals and is based on matters that have no basis in existence.

Abu Asab described the law as racist, unjust, and in contradiction of international law because the legislator and the executor is the occupation.

He further explained that the occupation decides these measures to pass available political decisions aimed at completing its Judaization projects in Jerusalem.

Emergency regulations constitutes an open and wide gate that could affect a large group of Jerusalemites, in coming days.

About 700 Jerusalemites have been taken over the last eight months, from al-Eesawiyya town, which has been subjected to numerous Israeli violations and attacks.


Edited for IMEMC: Ali Salam
January 4, 2020 10:13 PM

Israeli police today handed eight young Palestinian residents of the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of al-“Isawiya summons to appear before an Israeli court tomorrow for allegedly violating night curfew, the Palestinian News and Info Agency (WAFA) reported.

Anwar Obeid, one of the summoned youths, said that police and security services invaded his family home, early Saturday morning, and handed him a summons to appear before the Jerusalem District Court Sunday, adding that seven other young men of his neighbourhood were also summoned by the police for the same reason.

Israel invoked an emergency act from the pre-1948 British Mandate-era to impose night curfew on the al-‘Isawiya youths for periods ranging from two to four months.

The youths were detained last week for confronting the Israeli forces who invaded their neighbourhood, and were then released the next day under curfew orders during the night.

Obeid said police stormed their homes during the night to see if they had broken the curfew.

Local Palestinian residents participated, on Thursday evening, in a protest activity against imposing night curfew on their neighbors and sons.

Over the last several months, al-‘Isawiya’s 20,000 Palestinian residents have been subjected to daily harassment and brutality from the Israeli forces.

The Israeli army regularly storms the neighbourhood, mainly at night and early morning, harasses students going to school, and fire tear-gas canisters at homes at all hours of the day.

Edited for IMEMC: Ali Salam

Six Young Men Arrested in Jerusalem for Breaking Curfew

Edited for IMEMC: Ali Salam
January 3, 2020 10:56 PM

The occupation forces arrested 6 Palestinian young men from al-‘Isawiya, on the pretext of “breaking house arrest” imposed on them, Ma’an News reported.

Activist and member of the Follow-up Committee in al-‘Isawiya, Muhammad Abu Al-Homs, explained that the occupation forces stormed al-‘Isawiya, and summoned the young men, who had been sentenced to house arrest, at the entrance to al-‘Isawiya, and arrested them, on the pretext of breaking the order of house arrest.

Abu Al-Homs added that the young men who were arrested were: Anwar Obeid, Fayez Muhammad Mheisen, Nadim Safadi, Adam Kayed Mahmoud, Nidal Froukh and Saleh Abu Assab.

Thursday night, the youths announced their rejection of the nightly house arrest decisions imposed on them, under the British emergency regulations 1945, on the pretext that they participated in “confrontations.”

The young men asserted their right to move freely without restrictions or unjust decisions and laws, by staging a sit-in in the late hours of Thursday, in al-‘Isawiya, in defiance of the occupation orders.

Image: File Photo
Edited for IMEMC: Ali Salam
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