
3 new demolition orders in Jiftlik

12:00 Jun 20 2011 Al Jiftlik village, in the Central Jordan Valley

JVS 20 June -- Today the occupation Civil Administration came to Al Jiftlik village, in the Central Jordan Valley, to give three new demolition orders three families, Awad Ali Masoud Bderat, Abdallah Barnawi and Khaled Abdel Rahman Ahmad Laraheile. Two months ago the Civil Administration had come to take pictures of the structures that received today the demolition orders. Four structures are concerned, two homes, an animal shelter and a bathroom block. All of them are located in the hart of the village. If the lawyer does not succeed to stop the order the demolitions should happen on the 11th of July.1 7 people, among them 11 children, would then remain without homes or bathroom.
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