
Army Abducts 21 Palestinians In The West Bank

03:00 Oct 2 2018 Tulkarm, Hebron, Meithalun, Jalqamūs, al-Asakra, Abu Dis, Hizma, Jerusalem

Army Abducts 21 Palestinians In The West Bank
Scene. Published by Maan News

by IMEMC News
Israeli soldiers abducted, late at night and on Tuesday at dawn, at least twenty-one Palestinians from their homes, in several parts of the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The soldiers invaded many communities in Bethlehem, Jenin, Tulkarem and Hebron, before storming and ransacking dozens of homes, and interrogated many Palestinians.

The soldiers also injured many Palestinians, during protests in several parts of the occupied West Bank, especially in Jerusalem, Jenin and Tulkarem.

|Israeli Soldiers Injure Many Palestinians, Abduct Several Others, In Jerusalem|

Thirteen of the abducted Palestinians have been identified as:

1. Rami Samir Abu Samra, 26, (former political prisoner), Tulkarem.
2. Adham Abu Issa, Tulkarem.
3. Yassin Adel Za’aqeeq, 16, Hebron.
4. Ahmad Ribhi No’eirat, (former political prisoner), Meithalun – Jenin.
5. Yousef Jamal Abu Zeina, (former political prisoner), Meithalun – Jenin.
6. Mo’awiya Taher al-Qarm, Jilqamous – Jenin.
7. Hamza Daoud ‘Asakra, 22, al-Asakra – Bethlehem.
8. Ali Mohammad Ayyad, Abu Dis – Jerusalem.
9. Montaser Salaheddin, Hizma – Jerusalem.
10. Mohammad Daqqaq, Jerusalem.
11. Ezzeddin Barbar, Jerusalem.
12. Mustafa Hashlamoun, Jerusalem.
13. Montaser Salahuddin, Jerusalem.

Israeli forces detain 8 Palestinians in West Bank raids

RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces detained at least eight Palestinians during raids, on predawn Tuesday, from areas across the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian Prisoner's Society (PPS) confirmed that Israeli forces detained one Palestinian from the southern West Bank district of Hebron, he was identified Yasin Adel al-Zaaqiq.

In the central West Bank district of Jerusalem, two Palestinians were detained and identified as Muntaser Salah al-Din and Ali Muhammad Iyad.

Israeli forces detained three Palestinians from the northern West Bank district of Jenin; PPS identified them as Ahmad Ribhi Nierat, Youssef Jamal Abu Zeineh and Maawiya Taher al-Qaram.

In the northern West Bank district of Tulkarem, PPS confirmed that two Palestinians were detained, identifying them as Rami Samir Abu Samra, 26, and Adham Muhammad Khaliliya, 30.

Israeli search and detention raids are a nightly occurrence in Palestinian cities, towns, and refugee camps across the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

According to prisoners rights group Addameer, there are 5,781 Palestinian prisoners being held in Israeli prisons.

Montaser Salaheddin detained 10/2/2018
Mohammad Daqqaq, Ezzeddin Barbar, Mustafa Hashlamoun, and Montaser Salahuddin detained 10/2/2018
Ali Mohammad Ayyad detained 10/2/2018
Hamza Daoud ‘Asakra, 22, detained 10/2/2018
Mo’awiya Taher al-Qarm detained 10/2/2018
Ahmad Ribhi No’eirat and Yousef Jamal Abu Zeina detained 10/2/2018
Rami Samir Abu Samra, 26, and Adham Abu Issa detained 10/2/2018
Yassin Adel Za’aqeeq,16, detained 10/2/2018
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