
PCHR Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (20 – 26 September 2018)

12:00 Sep 27 2018 Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (oPT)

(20 – 26 September 2018)
• Israeli forces continued to use excessive force against unarmed civilians and peaceful protestors in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.
– 3 civilians were killed in Gaza City and northern Gaza
– 311 civilians, including 59 children, 120 women, 4 journalists and 4 paramedics, were wounded.
– Eight of those wounded sustained serious wounds.
– 3 civilians were wounded in the West Bank.
• Israeli forces conducted 56 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank, and 9 limited incursions into occupied Jerusalem.
– 42 civilians, including 4 children and a woman, were arrested in the West Bank.
– 15 of them, including 2 children, were arrested in Jerusalem.

• Israeli authorities continued to create a Jewish majority in occupied East Jerusalem.
 A civilian was forced to self-demolish his house in Beit Hanina in East Jerusalem
 Residents of al-Khan al-Ahmar were notified to evacuate their dwellings and self-demolish them.
 A guard and 2 officers in the al-Aqsa Mosque Reconstruction Committee were denied access to al-Aqsa Mosque.

• Israeli forces continued their settlement activities in the West Bank.
 A civilian was notified to stop the construction works in his house and 2 other houses were photographed in al-Walajah village.
 An under-construction house was demolished in Rantis village, west of Ramallah.
 Israeli forces levelled lands in Khelet al-Nahklah Hill opposite to Urtas village.

• Shooting was reported against the Palestinian fishing boats in the Gaza Sea, but no casualties were reported.

• Israeli forces turned the West Bank into cantons and continued to impose the illegal closure on the Gaza Strip for the 11th consecutive year.
 Dozens of temporary checkpoints were established in the West Bank and others were re-established to obstruct the movement of Palestinian civilians.
 One civilian was arrested at the military checkpoints in the West Bank.

See PCHR for full report
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