
Israeli forces assault residents, detain 6 in Ramallah-area

12:00 Aug 6 2018 al-Muarrajat Bedouin village (exact coordinates unknown at this time)

Israeli forces assault residents, detain 6 in Ramallah-area
Scene. Published by Maan News

RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- Israeli settlers, along with Israeli forces, assaulted Palestinian residents of the al-Muarrajat Bedouin village, northeast of the occupied West Bank district of Ramallah on Monday.

Locals said that armed Israeli settlers stormed the Bedouin village under heavy protection by Israeli forces.

Sources added that Israeli forces assaulted residents, some Israeli solidarity activists and the staff members of the Wall and Settlement Resistance Committee, who were present in the area.

Following the assault, Israeli forces detained six Palestinian residents.
Sources mentioned that Israeli forces prevented the rest of the Wall and Settlement Resistance Committee staff and other Israeli activists from reaching the Bedouin village of al-Muarrajat.

Many Palestinians have pointed out that Israeli settler attacks against the Palestinian community are very common and often go unpunished by the Israeli authorities.

Only 1.9 percent of complaints submitted by Palestinians against Israeli settler attacks result in a conviction, the Israeli human rights group Yesh Din reported.
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