
In video - Israeli forces injure 9 Palestinians, detain 7 others in Ramallah

03:00 Jul 15 2018 al-Jalazoun (Jalazun)

Scenes. Published by Maan News

RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces shot and injured nine Palestinians with live ammunition, while detaining seven other Palestinians during predawn raids in the central occupied West Bank district of Ramallah, on Sunday.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced that nine Palestinians were injured by Israeli forces during raids carried out in the al-Jalazun refugee camp, north of Ramallah.

The ministry confirmed that Israeli forces shot six Palestinians with live bullets in their lower limbs and the pelvis area, while three other Palestinians were shot with rubber-coated bullets.

The injured Palestinians were transferred to the Palestinian medical compound for treatment. Medical doctors said the injured in a stable condition.

According to local sources, on Sunday morning, Israeli forces stormed the refugee camp and broke into several homes resulting in clashes among Palestinians and the Israeli forces.

Sources added that Israeli forces detained seven Palestinians during the clashes in the refugee camp. They were identified as Musbah Marwan Delayshe, Muhammad Marwan Delayshe, Muhammad Nael Sherakeh, Nesser Jamal Sherakeh, Abed al-Rahman Abu Sharifa, Abed al-Hafeth Abu Sharifa, and Thaer Sharakeh.

Israeli military raids into Palestinian cities, towns, and refugee camps are a near daily occurrence.

According to prisoners rights group Addameer, there are 5,900 Palestinian prisoners being held in Israeli prisons.

The video below shows Israeli forces carrying out raids in the al-Jalazun refugee camp: [View video]
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