
IOF troops raze home in Jenin, threaten to demolish 5 others in Silwan

05:00 Dec 28 2011 Barta’a

JENIN, (PIC)-- Israeli bulldozers razed a Palestinian building and affiliated animal pens in Barta’a village to the west of Jenin on Wednesday morning, local sources said.

They said that Israeli occupation forces (IOF) encircled the area and refused to allow inhabitants to get out their belongings and knocked down the building on the furniture.

The sources said that the building and the animal pens were owned by two brothers, adding that they suffered thousands of dollars in losses.

They said that the Israeli organization and construction committee, which oversaw the demolition, warned the citizens against rebuilding the demolished home and pens or else face heavy fines.

Meanwhile, Jerusalem municipality teams served demolition notices to five houses in Silwan, south of occupied Jerusalem, on Wednesday in addition to a number of shops at the pretext of lack of construction permits.

Abdul Karim Abu Snene, a member of the committee for the defense of Silwan land, called for building new homes instead of each one destroyed in the town to boost steadfastness of the people in Jerusalem and to stand up to the Israeli schemes against the holy city.
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