
Israeli forces kill Palestinian during manhunt for alleged killer of settler

12:00 Feb 3 2018 Burqin

JENIN (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces on Saturday killed a Palestinian teenager during a raid in the northern occupies West Bank city of Jenin, reportedly as part of the ongoing manhunt for the Palestinian suspected of killing an Israeli settler last month.

Medical sources told Ma’an that Ahmed Samir Abu Obeid, 19,was shot with a live bullet in the head during a raid in the Wadi Burqin
neighborhood, and was taken to Jenin Hospital in critical condition on Saturday evening. He was later pronounced dead.

Violent confrontations broke out between dozens of young Palestinian men and Israeli forces as they raided Wadi Burqin, firing live and rubber-coated steel bullets, according to locals.

Locals told Ma’an that at least right Palestinians were injured and four were arrested during the raid.

Official Palestinian Authority (PA)-owned Wafa news agency reported that Israeli forces were searching for Ahmad Nasser Jarrar, who has been the target in an Israeli manhunt since a shooting attack that left an Israeli settler dead near Nablus.

Jarrar’s cousin Ahmad Ismail Jarrar was killed during an Israeli raid on Wadi Bruqin last month.

Obeid is the ninth Palestinian to be killed by Israeli forces this year.
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