
Israeli Colonizers Uproot 310 Olive Trees Near Jerusalem

06:00 Apr 10 2017 Mikhmas

by IMEMC News

Many extremist Israeli colonists invaded, earlier Monday, Palestinian olive orchards in Mikhmas village, southeast of the occupied East Jerusalem, in the West Bank, and uprooted 310 old olive trees, owned by several Palestinian villagers.

Media sources said the assailants invaded orchards, owned by Ali Aref al-Haj, Abdul-Samea’ Mhanna and Dahesh Mhanna.

The sources added that Israeli soldiers came to the orchards while the settlers were uprooting the old olive trees, but did not remove or apprehend any of them.

The attack is the second targeting Mikhmas orchards in the past two years, as the previous invasion into the orchards resulting in uprooting 200 olive trees.
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