
Occupation renews administrative detention of Asfour for eighth time

12:00 Nov 10 2011 Nablus

NABLUS, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authorities renewed on Thursday the administrative detention of Hamas leader Adnan Asfour, 47, for another three months. This is the eighth successive time that his detention, without charge or trial is extended

The family of Asfour told the PIC correspondent: That with this extension of his administrative detention, Asfour will complete three years in detention as he was arrested on 19 February 2008, less than seventy days after his release from the same Israeli occupation jails.

Asfour suffers from various illnesses some of them related to his prolonged detention in harsh conditions. He suffers from inflammation of the prostate, sinuses, asthma. He spent about eight years on aggregate in occupation jails.

Asfour, who is a graduate of political science from the Najah University in Nablus, is one of the prominent leaders of Hamas in the city.

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