
Israeli forces detain 6, break up Silwan sit-in for 2nd week in a row

12:00 Apr 8 2016 Silwan

Israeli forces detain 6, break up Silwan sit-in for 2nd week in a row Israeli forces detain 6, break up Silwan sit-in for 2nd week in a row
JERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces detained six Palestinians and confiscated a sit-in tent in occupied East Jerusalem’s Silwan neighborhood in an attempt to prevent prayers during a protest in the Ein al-Luza area.

A sit-in protesting Israeli policies to push residents out of the area was planned to take place in the tent. Last Friday, Israeli forces threatened Palestinians taking part in the ongoing Silwan protests and attempted to break up the demonstration.

Majdi al-Abbasi, a representative of the Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Silwan, told Ma’an that Israeli forces raided Hosh Abu Tayeh in Ein al-Luza and confiscated the tent, detained five youths from the area, and held two vehicles and plastic chairs.

The five youths were identified as Jalal al-Abbasi, Firas al-Abbasi, Muhammad Abu Tayeh, his brother Khalid, and Moussa al-Abbasi.
In addition to the five youths, Israeli forces also detained Jawad Siyam, head of the center, for allegedly obstructing traffic by driving the opposite direction to prevent the detention of the five youths.

Majdi al-Abbasi added that Israeli forces later released Moussa al-Abbasi after they had accused him of “driving his vehicle carrying plastic chairs to take to the sit-in tent,” which he denied during the interrogation and proved he was headed to a family occasion by showing Israeli forces the invitation card.

Siyam was released after he was issued a ticket, Majdi al-Abbasi added.

An Israeli police spokesperson could not immediately be reached for comment.

Ongoing demonstrations in Silwan calling for an end to discriminatory demolition and confiscation policies carried out by the Israeli authorities on Palestinians are regularly suppressed by Israeli forces.

Palestinians living in East Jerusalem are under constant threat of demolition or displacement due to policies carried out by consecutive Israeli governments to establish a Jewish majority in the occupied Palestinian-majority area of the city.
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