
Settler runs over, shoots and kills 16-year-old Palestinian in Nablus

09:00 Nov 22 2015 near Huwwara

Settler runs over, shoots and kills 16-year-old Palestinian in Nablus Settler runs over, shoots and kills 16-year-old Palestinian in Nablus
BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- A prominent Israeli settler ran over a 16-year-old Palestinian girl and then shot her dead, saying that he believed she intended to carry out a stabbing attack at Huwarra checkpoint in the northern occupied West Bank district of Nablus, Israeli media reported.

The Palestinian military liaison office identified the teenager as Ashraqat Taha Ahmad Qatanani from Nablus, and said they had notified her family of their daughter's death.

Israeli news site Ynet identified the man who ran over and shot Qatanani as Gershon Mesika, the former head of the "Samaria regional council," which represents Israel's illegal settlements in the northern West Bank.

After running the girl over with his car and landing in a ditch, Mesika reportedly got out of his car and opened fire on the girl, alongside Israeli forces who also opened fire, Israeli media reported.
An Israeli army spokesperson did not immediately respond when asked for comment.

No Israelis were reported injured in the alleged attack.
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