
Israel orders demolition in Jordan Valley village

12:00 Nov 19 2015 Fayasil

Israel orders demolition in Jordan Valley village
BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli authorities on Tuesday issued evacuation orders for makeshift housing structures and tents at the site of a previous housing demolition in the Jordan Valley, Israeli human rights group B'Tselem said in a statement.

In August, Israeli forces demolished 17 structures in Fasayil village, leaving 48 people homeless, including 31 minors, B'Tselem documented.

Following the initial demolition, nearly all the families stayed in the area, setting up tents and other makeshift housing structures, with the assistance of humanitarian organizations.

During a visit to the encampment on Tuesday, Israeli authorities told residents that they had to evacuate the area within a week.

They said that if they do not vacate the area within a week, all structures built since the demolition that took place in August will be demolished.

The evacuation will leave 46 of the original 48 people who lost their homes in August with nowhere to go.Thirty-one of the 46 residents are minors.

According to B'Tselem, most of the families whose homes were demolished in August had already had their previous homes demolished in 2014.

The vast majority of Faisal village lies in Area C, and is under full Israeli control. According to the Palestinian census in 2007, Faisal is only home to around 1,029 residents. The village relies on farming, with at least 80 percent of the local economy based on agriculture.
Families can generally file objections to demolition orders and appeal to Israel's high court, but Human Rights Watch reported last year that in such appeals, "Israel’s High Court of Justice has refused to apply the absolute prohibition in customary international law against the collective punishment of civilians."
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