
Israeli settlers set Palestinian car ablaze in Jerusalem

12:00 Oct 25 2015 Umm Tuba

Israeli settlers set Palestinian car ablaze in Jerusalem
JERUSALEM (Ma’an) -- Suspected Israeli settlers caught fire to a Palestinian car in the al-Tuba village, south of Jerusalem, Hebrew media reported.

No injuries have been reported.

The attackers left behind spray painted hate-slogans, including "die you Arabs" on walls in the village, Hebrew website 0404 reported.
An Israeli police spokesperson did not immediately respond for comment.

According to Hebrew media, the Israeli Civil Defense arrived on the scene to put the fire out, but extensive damage had already been caused.

Israeli police have reportedly opened an investigation into the incident.

The arson attacks comes during heightened tensions in the area, during which more than 55 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces since the start of the month, at least 20 of which were shot and killed by Israeli forces during clashes. During the same period, at least 9 Israelis, many of which were Israeli settlers, have been killed by Palestinian attackers. Last week, Israeli police shot and killed an Israeli Jew, believing him to be a Palestinian attempting to take a police officer's gun.

In July, suspected Israeli settlers set ablaze a family home in the northern village of Duma near Nablus, burning an infant alive. Both the baby's parents later died from their wounds. The couple's 4-year-old son is the only remaining survivor of the attack.

On Oct. 1 Palestinian attackers shot and killed two Israeli settlers near Nablus in a drive-by shooting, leaving the couple's four children unharmed in the backseat of the car.

Since then Palestinians have carried out a series of knife attacks on Israelis, however many of the alleged attacks resulted in no injuries.
Palestinians have challenged the legitimacy of many of the alleged stabbing attacks, citing evidence that could suggest that no attack had taken place before a Palestinian was killed, injured or detained.
Israeli settlers have carried out at least 197 attacks on Palestinians and their property in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank since the start of 2015, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

However, the perpetrators of violence against Palestinian civilians and their property are rarely punished, with Israeli police closing most investigations without an indictment.

According to the Israeli human rights group Yesh Din, only 1.9 percent of complaints submitted by Palestinians against Israeli civilian attacks result in a conviction.
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