
Three Palestinians injured In Nablus, one detained

06:00 Sep 22 2015 Makhfiyya neighborhood in Nablus

by IMEMC & Agencies

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Tuesday at dawn, the northern West Bank city of Nablus, and clashed with local youths, wounding three, and kidnapped another Palestinian.

Medical sources in Nablus said resident Mohammad Basalat, 19, was shot with a rubber-coated metal bullet in the head, while Mohammad Mheisin, 19, similar round in the arm, and Noureddin Shareeda, 19, who suffered severe effects of teargas inhalation.

In addition, soldiers stormed a residential building in the al-Makhfiyya neighborhood in Nablus, and kidnapped Mofeed Ghazal, after violently searching his home.
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