
Three teenagers detained, many Palestinians injured In Jerusalem

22:00 Jun 22 2015 Jerusalem

by IMEMC News

Israeli soldiers kidnapped, late on Monday at night, three Palestinian teens, and wounded many Palestinians, during clashes that took place in different neighborhoods, in occupied Jerusalem, and its Old City.

Media sources have reported that undercover Israeli soldiers infiltrated in the Suwwana neighborhood, before kidnapping Mahmoud Shahin, 15, Mousa Abu al-Hawa, 16, and Mohammad Maghrebi, 17.

The soldiers claimed the children hurled Molotov cocktails on the Beit Orit illegal outpost.

A large military force invaded the neighborhood, shortly after the undercover soldiers infiltrated it, and clashed with local youths who hurled stones and empty bottles on them, while the soldiers fired rounds of live ammunition, gas bombs and concussion grenades.

Clashes also took place in at-Tour neighborhood, overlooking the Old City, and the soldiers fire several concussion grenades.

Similar clashes took place in Bab al-‘Amoud area, extending to the Sultan Suleiman Street, and the Sahera Gate area; no injuries were reported.

Soldiers also invaded a number of neighborhoods in Silwan town, south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, leading to clashes that extended until late-night hours Monday.
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